LRG Solutions

“Women in Business: Let’s Dance” Empowering Women in the Post-COVID Business World

The global pandemic brought about unprecedented challenges, reshaping the very core of how businesses operate. The office spaces we once knew, the cultures we were accustomed to, and the previously accepted status quo have all undergone transformative change. Yet, amid this wave of
evolution, there shines hope and opportunity, especially for women and minorities in the business arena. With the entire landscape of the business world in metamorphosis, it’s fast tracked the unlocking of opportunities that may not have been tangible to access as a mother, wife or caretaker. As we step into
this new era, being a woman feels more exhilarating than ever. Why, you ask?

1. Flexible Work Models:

    With remote working becoming the norm, women, especially those juggling home responsibilities and careers, find themselves in a position of strength. The ability to work from anywhere has democratized opportunities, eliminating geographical constraints and making way for greater work-life balance.

    2. Rise of Women Entrepreneurs:

    Post-COVID, there’s been a surge in female-led startups with female-founded startups increased by 23% in 2021, female-owned businesses globally increased by 25% between 2019-21 and in India alone, the number of female-founded startups increased by 70% in 2021! Women are harnessing the digital era, launching ventures from tech solutions to e-commerce platforms, and making their mark in what was once considered male-dominated territories.

    3. Leadership Reimagined:

    The crisis brought to the forefront the importance of empathy, understanding, and resilience—traits that women are known to inherently possess and excel in. Our skills in conflict resolution, disaster management and mitigation and ability to maintain status quo while under pressure are coming to the
    forefront. As organizations realize the value of the aforementioned in leadership, now seeing the them as a weakness but a unquestionable strength, the doors once closed are being opened for women in leadership.

    4. Skill Enhancement and Learning:

    Once, challenges like childcare access, household duties, and financial hurdles made it challenging for working women to pursue advanced education or skilled trades. In earlier times, there was often just a single opportunity to enhance one’s skills. Now, the digital landscape presents a vast array of courses, webinars, and platforms for continual learning. With the advent of AI and tools like ChatGPT and BARD, skill enhancement is more accessible, without the burdens of time or debt. Women are capitalizing on these opportunities, closing skill gaps, and positioning themselves for elevated roles and responsibilities.

    5. Cultural Evolution:

    Verna Myers, the VP of Inclusion Strategy at Netflix said “Diversity is being invited to the party; inclusion is being asked to dance.” Since 1848 we have been fighting for our invitation to the party, and we have made momentous progress. Companies are more aware of diversity and inclusion, understanding that diverse teams lead to better decision-making and innovation. This shift in corporate mindset ensures a more welcoming environment for women without making us choose between family, social life and professional aspirations.

    In conclusion, while challenges persist, there’s no denying that the post-COVID business world is ripe with opportunities for women. This is our moment to seize, to rewrite narratives, and to drive equality and growth in every facet of the business world. The future is not just female; it’s equitable, diverse, and incredibly promising. To all the women out there – we are now being asked to dance and we are giving ballroom worthy performances. Keep going!

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